"...Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man...” (John.2:23 - 25)


How many true friends do you have? How many people around you believe in you for you? It is amazing how human nature naturally defaults to being exploitative. How human beings will shamelessly continue to pursue their own agendas veiled as Honorable acts. They were not afraid to try and exploit Jesus Christ too!

Sometimes we focus a lot on the world external to us and forget to zoom in onto ourselves. Today I would like you to cast the spotlight onto yourself. Are you a true friend? How many people are you true friends to? when was the last time you did something just to bless someone, not because they had something you needed? when was the last time you said something good to someone because you genuinely wanted to bless them with a great day?

Part of what makes life so complicated for many people in the world is that there is a shortage of people around them who love them genuinely for them. And yet everyone of us ever so often looks around for that person who we can lean on. Human beings were never created to be an island. Even the hardest nut job that you know still has a soft spot and still desires to be loved genuinely for who they are.

 This aspect about people makes the world a strange place to live in and yet we have to live in it and love it. These words for the book of John chapter 2 profer some advice for us all. Be careful about the words people speak about you. Not all the smiles, emoticons, giggles and words of praise come in good faith. One has to grow to a place where we love people, but also where we understand never to over estimate people. it is a delicate balance, but one gets there step by step by being honest with others and also learning what honesty is by practicing it. What many dishonest people do not know is that many of us can see you from a mile away, but in the hope that this interaction will help you get back on your way to a better person we keep it going. Many dishonest people think that when others do not make mention of their weird moves, it means they did not see the moves!

At the end of the day ask yourself; do you have anyone you call a true friend? Do you know that for sure? Do you have anyone in life you can genuinely depend on? If your answer to any of these questions is not clear, it is time to change your game and go out and make some friends, true friends!


A week before Uganda entered into Full lock-down for Covid-19 (to the best of my knowledge the first of its kind ever in our history as a nation), our church leadership announced a change in church strategy to the congregation. Part of what was in that strategy was emphasis on Media, community and the Youth. It was almost as if we had seen the future!

Lock-down happened, and it was airtight. For the first month, even a sneeze had to be done very discretely lest one attracted the fury of the marauding national guard that was on duty and enforcing this duty to the point of death for many unfortunate friends that departed in this time. What however intrigued me most is the events at our church and how these started playing out.

Coach Alex Mukisa is a boxer; he also loves training others into the sport. Actually, I too have some history in the sport, so I have a fairly good understanding of what makes a good boxer. I remember last year watching Alex going through some of his training routines; I was shocked at the techniques this guy was using; it was reminiscent of some of those scenes in the "Rocky" movies, only this time I was witnessing this kind of self discipline and drive first hand. Alex started going to different boxing competitions and soon built a reputation of knocking out his opponents. He has swiftly built a reputation for being a tough trainer too.

Towards end of last year a number of prophetic words were uttered upon Alex; he froze in his tracks at the mention of these words. Why? Alex the mighty actually was a very shy person. One never heard him speak a word when two or three people gathered; that already was a crowd for him. He never believed in himself much. Alex would come to me all worn with worry and concern on his face and he would go like

"Mzee, I don't know what God wants with me! why does He not use the good speakers? why does He have to choose me? I cannot even speak to a little kid..."

I would do my best at painting a picture of how God can turn anyone around as long as you simply believe his word and stand. Coach Alex would not hear of this; after all he is a former renegade child, cum street kid that felt he was of little value. He only got born again hardly Four years ago.

A couple of events happened just before the lock-down in Ttula Village where our church is located. Security in the neighborhood was swiftly being overran by marauding gangs. Alex is one of the people that help us keep our campus safe. During these times, gangs of "kanyamas" would lurk in the dark and jump at people passing by in the night. These events got closer and closer to our church doors until this was now happening only a couple of metres away from the church campus. On one fateful night, Mercy one of our daughters at church was attacked and badly beaten by this gang and her phone taken away. Everyone was angry about this violation. These incidents continued until a few days later another couple from the village was attacked and both their phones taken away.

Alex happened to be standing in the church compound when this happened. He heard the screams and rushed to the rescue. He arrived a couple of seconds later only to be pointed to silhouettes disappearing into the dark up a hill. He made after them; Alex does road work twice daily and runs about 10kms each time. Forty five minutes passed by and Alex made his way back with one of the criminals between him and another of his friends Coach Josh, another of these interesting young men God is using at church to change our community through football. The criminal was unconscious!

What had transpired, we were later told, is that the group of three criminals entered a thicket when Alex relentlessly chased them around the village. In desperation, they dived into one of the thickets they often used; Alex dived in after them. They then made the mistake of stopping and turning around to ambush him, apparently to harm him. What followed in that episode left one down and the other two running off for dear life. Alex  single handedly had swung one, yes just one of his secret left hooks and landed it onto the first guy and his lights immediately went out; his friends did not wait for who was next. They fled! This criminal was handed over to the Police, but not before he had led the group to their hide out. The couple as well received back both of their phones plus lots more phones were recovered in this one sweep!

Coach Alex fame has spread far and wide as the security of Ttula is improving. Alex in doing is daily training routine has been joined by a team of young men of Ttula and other areas far and wide. By last count he had a team of 150 young men that consistently now train boxing with him. He however has a strict code of conduct that emphasizes strict discipline on and off the makeshift gym facility at church. Lately, hundreds of people come and standby to watch this enigma called Alex, who does not look the part at all. In fact a few presumptuous persons have stepped over him and gone for the grand looking persons asking to see Coach Alex, only to be brought back to the "door mat" they had just walked all over as they walked in! Those types have left thoroughly humbled by their own bad manners.

God is using Alex! just the other day he called me aside and said

"Mzee, can you believe I talk to people and they listen to me! can you imagine that I have had an impact in changing so many young peoples lives!"

By the way, all this has unfolded during the lock down, and not by use of any intelligent methods, but by one young man chasing his passion, and chasing God, and allowing God to use him uniquely. Coach Alex needs a fully fledged gym as soon as lock-down ends and I intend to help in fundraising for it. We do have the space at church but we shall need equipment. 

What have you done for God lately? or are you still standing by waiting on the anointing to fall and angel Gabriel to speak, before God can use you mightily? I have learned that changing a community takes God, and a willing person, in whatever shape they come.  You have a talent that God has given you that you can use to change some people’s lives.

Avail yourself just as you are.



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