We are beginning to get to that place where
we must transition from the reactive phase of Covid-19 into the more proactive
That means thinking about the
"day after" or “the
aftermath” of the initial shock
and trauma that this entire Covid-19 episode has wrought upon the world and our
What is clear is that this is
a new Era, a new world and a new day. It is nothing like anywhere anyone
existing alive has been to. This is the place where boys will be seperated from men, and queens from the local
village belles ! it is the place of real brains and less politics and
tradition. This is where we
must put patriotism ahead of personal gain.
Some people can still not smell the coffee, going by the stories that keep coming up
in the media portraying many
that are operating in a "Business
as Usual" mode. This new world has no place for the three
types of persons below.
1) The Reckless Selfish Politician
It never ceases to amaze how politicians
still like to think of the rest of the world as stagnant and seeing themselves
as the only ones making things work. (our own Uganda Parliament has
demonstrated this abundantly in the last 3 weeks). It is time right now for some real
patriotic and nationalistic thinking. We cannot afford the silos anymore, at
least for now, and it
will be a while before that changes.
Politicians have been so used to regurgitating
old stuff from history to us (as though we have no brains), but this new age right now needs thinkers, not talkers; real
good thinkers. People want
solutions, functional
solutions, and not stories; they
will quickly pick out these types of incompetent leaders in this new dispensation. The
nation right now requires forward thinkers, futurists that can stop and analyse where we are today
and map out working ways forward. Those that can get to the root causes and apply or
recommend solutions that work.
The problem is that many of our politicians are
talkers and not thinkers or doers. They have been so used to dividing us along all types
of political lines and doing
nothing else productive that they would not know how to move on in situations like these. Most of these
politicians are going to be rendered obsolete in exchange for leaders that can "think solution", those
that can clearly see the future.
The thing is that the nation and world at large is going to need real leaders
to get back onto a good footing, and many of these types are not your typical
politician. So
perhaps for a while we may need to “park” politicians for the more nimble real
leaders that are solution oriented
For those in this political
space, you do well to remember that this is not a time to politic.
2) The irresponsible individuals
A lot has changed also about the world of work and business the
way we knew it and most of it for good. When trauma
happens, it always takes time
and resolve to learning walking again. This is what it is going to take for everyone to stabilize as an individual. We must accept that finally the only
constant, “change”, has happened on us. You will have to learn new ways of working,
take on new skills and rebuild your business frameworks again. The new world abhors those that want to
approach it using old methods and perspectives. You will have to be more
creative as the world still has
lots of space for such types. By the way, you are not alone; everyone is
learning how to walk again. This new world is for those that learn fast and
think on their feet.
I am a very strong advocate of white
collar society adopting a hybrid “work
from home” arrangement,
where for 2 or 3 days a week a , specifically those whose jobs do not demands
physical contact (and that is over 80% of us) can work from home. From my past experience there is more
value added to both the individual and the company when this happens. There is
also less stress on the individual as they get to avoid nuisances like traffic
jams and heavy personal expenditures, for
at least half the time. They
also get to spend their time enjoying the environments that they have created
for themselves at home, and
as well get to know their families a lot better. A happy employee is a more
productive employee. Working
from home, if done properly, delivers more value for the employer as
well, albeit I hasten to add that it requires more ability to track
deliverables and targets without compromise.
Businesses too has shifted to a more to a more relational, online
perspective. Those
that build better relationships stand to make more in this new world; geography
in this new world will quickly yield to quality of product. So this new world
is a world of quality
products, else you are out of business soon and fast.
Have you taken time to review your options?
have you taken time to figure out where your next footing in this new world
will land? have you thought through your personal development strategy in your
next 10 years?
3) The non Flexible Christian
It is a time to learn new things and new
ways of working; hey! the cloud has moved so wake up and run fast ahead, catch
up with the movers and put on a new thinking. Many pastors have taken a beating
in this season of online broadcasts for finally jumping onto the band
wagon they so loosely criticized in the past. Those
that had not bothered about that part of life got a rude awakening when lock-down was executed.
They had to make do with rag-tag measures, but I am sure once the world begins
moving again that is a mistake not to be repeated.
This is a great time to reach out and evangelize the world like never before. It is a time for people to stop making
excuses too. Many that have in the past made excuse for staying in bed on
Sunday mornings have been dragged into seeking after God when the scare became so real, up-close and
personal with Covid-19. Many
have turned back to calling on God. The
trick though is to keep the momentum when the dark clouds finally lift. Flexibility is also about ensuring that you accept the new life, by trading in the old. If your old lifestyle never made room for”things God”, you now need to ensure that you maintain
that space, and keep servicing it. Am sure also that many that never
appreciated the buildings of
congregation will rush back into
them with a new vigor when the lock-downs cease.
There is also the fact that a lot of quiet
has been around us in the neighborhoods, especially in African Pentecostal faith, where noise was almost an indispensable part of us before. Flexibility means that
you have discovered that God can still hear you anyway in the small fellowships, so making unreasonable loud noise in
worship, or loud noise at unreasonable hours should also be left in the old
order. I know, Pentecostal
is never really quiet (I am one so I know), but I also know that loud noise, is
beautiful noise when done at the right time. Non-flexible Christians will
quickly learn that people quickly get used to calm, that disturbing that peace
can have unfathomable repercussions.
There is also this key issue, the "little fox" of church
fragmentation where the "us and them" view had pervaded Christendom.
Now dearest Pastor,
Reverend, Reverend Father, Bishop, and which ever the designation you
hold, whilst you were absent
from your flock during this
lock down, who was speaking into their lives? who were they listening to? Who other
than you kept their faith going and their light burning? Now that they are back, will you keep
pushing that envelope of divisionism? I am not advocating for a place where we
have a one world religion, but just like human beings are all different with differing
temperaments, but yet live harmoniously together, I trust that the church will
learn that though we are many and different, we are one body in Christ. I hope we shall be more flexible enough to
see ourselves in the lenses of how similar we are to each other than how differently
we come.
It is a new season, it is a new day, and it
requires new tools, new thinking, fresh anointing and new people ! But do you copy ?