Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: …”

So, after the death of Joshua Israel is ruled by the Judges. But who exactly are the Judges?

God in His model of world governance systems has always preferred to be in charge and use men and women of His choice to lead as it were with the oracles of God in the lead of all human judgment. Leadership is after all about dispensing wisdom and Judgment.

From examining scripture trends, Elohim (God) starting with Seth (the name means “substituted” in English) the third son of Adam and Eve apparently starts to look for men that can teach their households Elohim’s ways. One only has to study bible from Genesis onwards to see that. God actually says that of Abraham in Genesis Chapter 18 verse 19 where He states, “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of YAHWEH (the LORD), to do justice and judgment; that YAHWEH (the LORD) may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.” From Adam it is clear that God has been on the lookout for men with hearts after His own heart; the is why in Genesis Chapter 4 God accepts Abel’s sacrifice which was the first fruits of his flock. It was the heart with which Abel sacrificed that drew God to Him.

From the lineage of Seth, He lands onto Enoch (the name means “discipline/Train-up”), five generations down, who the bible says walked with God until he was nought for God took him. Again, you can see a man after God here from the connotation that Enoch walked with God. From Enoch Four generations down, we see Noah (the name means “Quiet Resting place”), whom God chose because Noah elected for the ways of Elohim YAHWEH. What now becomes clearer is that God has always looked for men that are in relationship with Him to promote them.

From Noah we land on Abram (“High Father”) father Terah who I suspect in response to an instruction from God begins to move his family from Ur to Canaan (See Genesis chapter 11 verse 31). He was a Syrian and a Hebrew of Ur (Deutronomy 25 verse 5). He stops in the City of Haran and dies there enroute to the promised land. Immediately God picks on Abram who now walks into a friendship with God, and it grows. The story is quite elaborate from Genesis chapter 11 on wards. Abram get renamed by YAHWEH in Genesis Chapter 17 verse 5 where YAHWEH makes a number of covenantal promises to Abraham. The Journey of Abraham starts to get interesting from the onset as YAHWEH keep intervening in his earthly matters. On the flip side God begins to share secrets with Abraham. Abraham becomes a prince of God on earth feared by kings of this earth! The Bible does not mention even once that Abraham had any other God or idols in his household. When Abraham finally makes a covenant with God, the entire script goes into over drive.

We then have Isaac and Jacob but with a clear and obvious family culture of not mixing themselves with others nor having any other God but YAHWEH in their midst for the sake and apparently at the instruction of Elohim! We see evidence of that clearly in how Isaac gets his wife Rebecca going by the instructions Abraham gives his lead Servant as he send him onto this mission. See the dialogue below from Genesis chapter 24 between them:

Verse 5 - 9 The servant asked, …Should I then take Isaac there to live among your relatives in the land you came from?” “No!” Abraham responded. “Be careful never to take my son there. For YAHWEH, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and my native land, solemnly promised to give this land to my descendants.[a] He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a wife there for my son….So the servant took an oath by putting his hand under the thigh of his master, Abraham. He swore to follow Abraham’s instructions.

What is clear is that YAHWEH’s code and mandate became Abraham’s code and mandate. He became a man of mission! Rebecca and Isaac as well passed on this family paradigm, and the instructions to their sons. What is interesting is that when God first comes to Jacob, he refers to YAHWEH as the God of His father! Later he gets his own experience with YAHWEH but not before making a covenant to serve YAHWEH at the site of the ladder to heaven in Bethel! Abraham was a prophet of YAHWEH.  So was Isaac and Jacob too eventually.  In fact, in Genesis 31 verse 53 we see an interesting utterance that show the leaning of this lineage to YAHWEH; He was the God of this household from their forefathers:

The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge betwixt us. And Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac.

There is a clear trail of service to YAHWEH in the line of Seth all the way to this point. Somehow there always remained someone in that lineage that Served YAHWEH. Joseph too was one such and YAHWEH used him too!

Many years later on Israel incubates in Egypt and in the fullness of time becomes a great nation.  Moses is raised up by God in a rather curious manner and God uses him to deliver Israel with the apostolic and prophetic anointings and in miracles, signs and wonders; he as well led Israel in judging and teaching. But Moses as well placed leadership structures in place. He gave Israel its first recorded government consisting of the legislature, judiciary and executive. But the executive was prophetic and apostolic assisted by a council of 70 elders and leaders of the people.

Later on in comes Joshua, appointed by YAHWEH himself who operated heavily in apostolic mandate but in the prophetic as well. Exodus Chapter 33 and verse 11 tells us the following about Joshua:

And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.

Joshua's exit finally opens up entry to the judges. A close look at these judges reveals men and women who still wanted YAHWEH’s rule over Israel, thereby strictly observing His written law. Most of them were not prophetic or apostolic but very militant and clearly people of the law. For example Israel invited Gideon to become their king and to rule over them, but he refused, telling them that only YAHWEH was their ruler (Judges 8:22–23). The concept of king’s was not in Israel then for some reason. What is curious for anyone is a statement that two kings Gideon assassinated said about him and his brothers in the book of Judges Chapter 8 verse 18:

¶ Then said he unto Zebah and Zalmunna, What manner of men were they whom ye slew at Tabor? And they answered, As thou art, so were they; each one resembled the children of a king.

And he (Gideon) said, They were my brethren, even the sons of my mother: as the LORD liveth, if ye had saved them alive, I would not slay you.

What is apparent is that Gideon and his brethren had the countenance of Kings but still refused the title and office and would rather have kept the Judge office that ruled by the written Law of YAHWEH.

Then Israel asked Prophet Samuel for a king, and God gave them Saul, a man that fitted the description of the kings per the paradigm of their time. So, the delay of the office of kingship was not for the lack of the concept. It was just simply contrary to the structure of YAHWEH Elohim’s government. You see kings’ rule by personal charisma, human strength and valour. In fact a close look at Saul reveals he was not a man given to obedience to YAHWEH and that costed his house the throne of Israel to the House of David a man after Gods own heart by God’s own testament! See David was a king that ruled as a judge but also by prophetic and Apostolic anointing; interestingly he also ruled by the Holy Ghost when one reads his writings in the psalms.  He rediscovered the God of relationship. That is why there would lack none on the throne from his house. Solomon his son, inspite of his failures ruled by wisdom given to Him of God. Wisdom is a gift of God we increasingly grow into by all the above-mentioned offices. Solomon was given it by Gods Grace!

In the new testament scripture tells us the order of Gods order of governance going by 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 28:

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

Please note the order; it is first Apostles, then prophets, then come teachers! Earthy government the way we know it today is way below in terms of this hierarchy! The reason the world is in turmoil today is that we have dropped that order around today simply because we do not understand it. We put the church under the earthly governments! The church in the past the understood this secret and actually impacted their world significantly.  The church of the reformation period led by the likes of Martin Luther, John Calvin and others understood this order and enforced it, and today we are still gleaning from their work.

Until the church today cleans up hear leadership act and restores herself to her kingly place and a place of alignment with the Word and principles of God, the world will continue her spiral down. That is not what God wants! The challenge is that there is simply too much disorder and corruption within the four walls of the church that she needs to first do a thorough clean up before she can be given again the responsibility for the world to have dominion and subdue it the way YAHWEH Elohim our God wants it.

Church the time has come! wake up! line up!

For God and my country!




"...Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man...” (John.2:23 - 25)


How many true friends do you have? How many people around you believe in you for you? It is amazing how human nature naturally defaults to being exploitative. How human beings will shamelessly continue to pursue their own agendas veiled as Honorable acts. They were not afraid to try and exploit Jesus Christ too!

Sometimes we focus a lot on the world external to us and forget to zoom in onto ourselves. Today I would like you to cast the spotlight onto yourself. Are you a true friend? How many people are you true friends to? when was the last time you did something just to bless someone, not because they had something you needed? when was the last time you said something good to someone because you genuinely wanted to bless them with a great day?

Part of what makes life so complicated for many people in the world is that there is a shortage of people around them who love them genuinely for them. And yet everyone of us ever so often looks around for that person who we can lean on. Human beings were never created to be an island. Even the hardest nut job that you know still has a soft spot and still desires to be loved genuinely for who they are.

 This aspect about people makes the world a strange place to live in and yet we have to live in it and love it. These words for the book of John chapter 2 profer some advice for us all. Be careful about the words people speak about you. Not all the smiles, emoticons, giggles and words of praise come in good faith. One has to grow to a place where we love people, but also where we understand never to over estimate people. it is a delicate balance, but one gets there step by step by being honest with others and also learning what honesty is by practicing it. What many dishonest people do not know is that many of us can see you from a mile away, but in the hope that this interaction will help you get back on your way to a better person we keep it going. Many dishonest people think that when others do not make mention of their weird moves, it means they did not see the moves!

At the end of the day ask yourself; do you have anyone you call a true friend? Do you know that for sure? Do you have anyone in life you can genuinely depend on? If your answer to any of these questions is not clear, it is time to change your game and go out and make some friends, true friends!


A week before Uganda entered into Full lock-down for Covid-19 (to the best of my knowledge the first of its kind ever in our history as a nation), our church leadership announced a change in church strategy to the congregation. Part of what was in that strategy was emphasis on Media, community and the Youth. It was almost as if we had seen the future!

Lock-down happened, and it was airtight. For the first month, even a sneeze had to be done very discretely lest one attracted the fury of the marauding national guard that was on duty and enforcing this duty to the point of death for many unfortunate friends that departed in this time. What however intrigued me most is the events at our church and how these started playing out.

Coach Alex Mukisa is a boxer; he also loves training others into the sport. Actually, I too have some history in the sport, so I have a fairly good understanding of what makes a good boxer. I remember last year watching Alex going through some of his training routines; I was shocked at the techniques this guy was using; it was reminiscent of some of those scenes in the "Rocky" movies, only this time I was witnessing this kind of self discipline and drive first hand. Alex started going to different boxing competitions and soon built a reputation of knocking out his opponents. He has swiftly built a reputation for being a tough trainer too.

Towards end of last year a number of prophetic words were uttered upon Alex; he froze in his tracks at the mention of these words. Why? Alex the mighty actually was a very shy person. One never heard him speak a word when two or three people gathered; that already was a crowd for him. He never believed in himself much. Alex would come to me all worn with worry and concern on his face and he would go like

"Mzee, I don't know what God wants with me! why does He not use the good speakers? why does He have to choose me? I cannot even speak to a little kid..."

I would do my best at painting a picture of how God can turn anyone around as long as you simply believe his word and stand. Coach Alex would not hear of this; after all he is a former renegade child, cum street kid that felt he was of little value. He only got born again hardly Four years ago.

A couple of events happened just before the lock-down in Ttula Village where our church is located. Security in the neighborhood was swiftly being overran by marauding gangs. Alex is one of the people that help us keep our campus safe. During these times, gangs of "kanyamas" would lurk in the dark and jump at people passing by in the night. These events got closer and closer to our church doors until this was now happening only a couple of metres away from the church campus. On one fateful night, Mercy one of our daughters at church was attacked and badly beaten by this gang and her phone taken away. Everyone was angry about this violation. These incidents continued until a few days later another couple from the village was attacked and both their phones taken away.

Alex happened to be standing in the church compound when this happened. He heard the screams and rushed to the rescue. He arrived a couple of seconds later only to be pointed to silhouettes disappearing into the dark up a hill. He made after them; Alex does road work twice daily and runs about 10kms each time. Forty five minutes passed by and Alex made his way back with one of the criminals between him and another of his friends Coach Josh, another of these interesting young men God is using at church to change our community through football. The criminal was unconscious!

What had transpired, we were later told, is that the group of three criminals entered a thicket when Alex relentlessly chased them around the village. In desperation, they dived into one of the thickets they often used; Alex dived in after them. They then made the mistake of stopping and turning around to ambush him, apparently to harm him. What followed in that episode left one down and the other two running off for dear life. Alex  single handedly had swung one, yes just one of his secret left hooks and landed it onto the first guy and his lights immediately went out; his friends did not wait for who was next. They fled! This criminal was handed over to the Police, but not before he had led the group to their hide out. The couple as well received back both of their phones plus lots more phones were recovered in this one sweep!

Coach Alex fame has spread far and wide as the security of Ttula is improving. Alex in doing is daily training routine has been joined by a team of young men of Ttula and other areas far and wide. By last count he had a team of 150 young men that consistently now train boxing with him. He however has a strict code of conduct that emphasizes strict discipline on and off the makeshift gym facility at church. Lately, hundreds of people come and standby to watch this enigma called Alex, who does not look the part at all. In fact a few presumptuous persons have stepped over him and gone for the grand looking persons asking to see Coach Alex, only to be brought back to the "door mat" they had just walked all over as they walked in! Those types have left thoroughly humbled by their own bad manners.

God is using Alex! just the other day he called me aside and said

"Mzee, can you believe I talk to people and they listen to me! can you imagine that I have had an impact in changing so many young peoples lives!"

By the way, all this has unfolded during the lock down, and not by use of any intelligent methods, but by one young man chasing his passion, and chasing God, and allowing God to use him uniquely. Coach Alex needs a fully fledged gym as soon as lock-down ends and I intend to help in fundraising for it. We do have the space at church but we shall need equipment. 

What have you done for God lately? or are you still standing by waiting on the anointing to fall and angel Gabriel to speak, before God can use you mightily? I have learned that changing a community takes God, and a willing person, in whatever shape they come.  You have a talent that God has given you that you can use to change some people’s lives.

Avail yourself just as you are.


I am a very passionate person; a passionate introvert to be exact! What?! I hear someone exclaim. Yes, I am. Now my personality type means that I am very observant, but I will also keep and defend my friends to the death. I also pursue what I love with such passion that standing in my way could be disastrous. That part however I have managed to bring under control by the Grace of my LORD Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit's work in me. 

 This very same passion however often works against me. I am extremely critical and unforgiving of myself. I hold myself to a very high and strict standard of performance and integrity that when I fail I sometimes think the entire world has come to an end. That too, God has worked on over time. I have had my fair share of dramatic failures in life, from which I have learned to get up, dust up, forgive myself and move on. My walk with the LORD has not been an exception to these failures. In fact, my first real understanding of this God of Grace was when many years ago as a born-again person I miserably failed, and I found myself in this place where I could not pray, could not lift up my hands in worship and could not even open my bible to read even a verse.

 In scripture we find a lot of lessons about this. Recently during the lock-down as I meditated on scripture the LORD brought back to me these lessons. Indeed we all know that according to biblical teaching we live in the dispensation of God's Grace; the time when He has both poured out His Holy Spirit upon all flesh and has as well open wide the gates of Grace that we may learn to walk with Him in confidence. God started showing me men of old like Abraham, David, Moses, Jacob and many others. These men who lived in the Old Testament dispensation knew God and pursued Him. One cannot avoid but see the greatness of these men when we read Holy writ. They were Gods “supermen”! I love reading about them because there is a certain depth about their experiences that keeps speaking each time I read. In fact, at times it is overwhelming for me. What the Holy Spirit started showing me about these men was that in our time we live a bigger advantage in God than they had, and yet, they still found Grace in the presence of God at a time when that was a rare gem! They never had the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their time like we do, and yet they can forth in power.

 The other aspect that came through is that these men had serious weaknesses each. Abraham had a major failure in the Hagar episode; David and Bathsheba – that’s another story of lust, adultery, intrigue, murder and cover-up! Jacob was a fraudster. Moses was a man with a short fuse. Yet all these men, despite their failures we also note that they did not allow to live in the shadow of their sin and sinful nature. They never allowed their failures to over shadow them. This is not to say they willfully lived a life of sin. These men seem to have understood that God understood the weak vessels they were but still loved them anyway. They never felt obscured by their weakness to serve Gods purpose.  They walked confidently with and before God. Whilst the demand to be pure still held, they still were not perfect. They still failed but never disqualified themselves. It makes me wonder because we who live today even have a much better place in God. These men understood partnership with God and confessed their sin when they became aware of it, got up and walked forward.

 The bible teaches that we are joint heirs with Christ. 

Ro 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

Ro 8:17 ¶ And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

Ro 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

 There is nothing temporary or transitory about being an heir! It us a firm place to be. A place of assurance. No one chooses heirs lightly only to change them at the slightest provocation. We are family so. It is ok to make mistakes as long as we are growing in the process and amending where our failures originate from. It is ok to be wrong, as long as we right the wrongs and don’t assume they are an acceptable place to stay at. So, it is ok to be a Christian with weaknesses and mistakes, who is minded towards becoming what Christ wants us to be. God is not about to write you off for that mega failure of the flesh you walked into. Yes, like a loving child you will hurt from that mistake but take that pain and cry for Grace toward that mountain (Zechariah chapter 4 verse 7), get up and walk. My weaknesses do not automatically dis-inherit me.

 If God could use the Abrahams, Isaac, Jacob, David and Solomons' of this world in their weakness and used them mightily, then He will use us all if we are willing and obedient. Yes, you will still make mistakes, but those will not disqualify you. Our relationship with God is not one of a cat and mouse commitment as some tend to think. The fact that you fall today does not mean you stand for the mistakes you have made. Whilst God hates your sin, and He prefers you were maintained in a sin free state, He is aware that Human beings are creatures of habit, thus it takes time to change the things that affect us. What matters most is that you are well on your way.

 “…but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk!”  - Acts 3:6.


Ac 1:1 ¶ The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Ac 1:2 Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen: To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God: And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, …

 ¶ Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey. And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode both Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James.  These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.

(Acts 1:1 - 14 )


Jesus, 40 days after His resurrection from the dead ascended into heaven, where according to Hebrews, we know He is now our Great High priest ever making intercession for us.

This year 2020, the Julian Calendar has great alignment with the Jewish Calendar (5780) in terms of the bible feasts. As a result the Feasts of Passover (Easter week), Feast of first of the Sabbaths (Resurrection Sunday), Feast of weeks (i.e. "Festival of Reaping" or "Festival of gladness"), Pentecost or Shavuot as the Jews call it (7 weeks from the resurrection), all have great alignment. On 31st May 2020, we shall celebrate the Feast of Pentecost which is the 50th day, when the 7 weeks Feast of weeks ends. The bible details all these feasts quite well (Exodus 34:22, Deuteronomy 16:10); from both the books of Acts (Acts 2) and that of Exodus 34 and Deuteronomy (Deut.16) many Bible scholars agree that this is the same day when God gave us both the written word and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. So as we are looking to celebrate this Pentecost under lockdown (Lockdown being almost a type/shadow of sabbath), I want to speak to us about the 10 days preceding the Pentecost of 2020.

Since this lockdown begun, we as a congregation in my home church have received both the prophetic guidance of what we ought to do and have as well observed to see the specific words God has been speaking to us over the last 5years.

i.                     First the LORD led us on keeping watch in the deep of the night as the enemy was using that same time to work against the church to weaken it.

ii.                  Then between the resurrection Sunday to date the word of instruction by different respected prophets globally to the church has been specific: "Celebrate the Victory of Christ!".

iii.                Another word that came globally was for the church to continue daily in Holy communion at our family alters.

My purpose for writing is yet another word. If you have missed the last two "memos" above, please make sure not to miss this one this time; now begs:

Since the resurrection Sunday, I have had an unction that the last 10 days to this years Pentecost will be so crucial for the church of Christ in terms of some sort of download for the ERA that we entered into. I had no clear idea what this download was, but I felt I needed to personally hallow those days in preparation to receive something from the LORD that was not ordinary. I have told my pastors as much previously.

In the last 7 days however, I feel that the LORD has reinforced that knowledge in me. My unction is that we are to consecrate ourselves during these 10 days starting this Thursday 21st May 2020 till Pentecost Sunday on 31st May 2020. I believe God is going to download into his Sons and daughters some real unique giftings and Grace that amaze even those that receive them. This will almost be akin to the outpourings and giftings of the church in the Acts 2 portion, but with a new twist of dominion on them.

These giftings and Grace will be for His purposes in this new ERA. Many of you have even started to manifest gifts you never had before the lockdown. I mean physical enablements or talents. Some of you will manifest talents you have desired but never were really good at. Others will be enabled with lifetime attributes e.g. in leadership, with wisdom of the world but with Godliness, etc. I cannot even begin to elaborate the full extent.

If you can fast in some of these days please do, though I do not state this as a rule. Just ensure to separate those days for yourself in a special way, as a way to prepare yourself for a download from heaven. Keep at your work but ensure to have a special PERSONAL re-dedication. Make time in a unique way to sanctify yourself in those 10 days as something is coming through for certain.

We walk by faith and not by sight. I can only tell you that my unction in the Spirit tells me that something really big is breaking loose in those 10 days and you had better be positioned to be a partaker of it.




Lately I have been watching "MEGA INDUSTRIES" a program on one of the DSTV channels. I am a car enthusiast and in the series of the last about 2 weeks they have reviewed big car names like the Bentley, Lamborghini, Lexus and how these are built.

I am amazed at the levels and nature of precision that these car builders apply in their trade, and the zero tolerance for even the slightest error and blemish; It is astounding to see what a human being can deliver when the bar is raised high enough. One of the emphases by the way in this car building trade is not so much how many books you have read, or academic qualifications you hold, but what you can deliver onto the counter. Every single one of the staff on those production lines knows that they are very good at what they do and that they are on to something very important, and are proud to be part of this process. In fact the Bentley people philosophy is to build cars that will outlive them; cars that will go for at least a century! imagine that! They even name plate the engine in the car with a signature plate bearing name and insignia of the mechanic that puts that engine together.

Watching this program during this lock-down period, I have realized how much we can do as Africa to change the narrative. It was president Museveni who lately is gang ho about Africa doing her own thing in terms of industrial self-reliance; I say, "go Mr. President, Go !!!!!" Africa needs to know that we have what it takes already. we just need to get up and walk. We can no longer be dependent on our partners from yonder. 

Incidentally if you watch the oil industry and how the west has responded to its strangle hold on the Global economy, you will notice the huge developments in terms of functional solar energy, electric cars, energy storage technologies, hydrogen cells and other options. Last time I checked most of the buses at Schiphol International airport were solar buses and they drove really well! Most houses in the west have solar panels and it is not unusual to find homes actually putting (selling) energy back on to the shared grid. The development of these alternative technologies is not accidental, chance or adhoc innovation, but rather driven by a deliberate agenda to break loose of something; It is all deliberate efforts made to break a stranglehold. Africa too can be deliberate without waiting for another clarion call.

Another key thing I notice is that in these first world countries the vocational skills set is required much and plays a critical role in industrialization and in perfection of the final product. So, artisans and people that have mastered the art of working with their hands are held in high regard. In Africa we have laughed at all these people and trades: seamstresses, leather workers, cobblers, brick layers, woodworkers, mechanics, agricultural instructors, herbal medicine experts, etc. I think every one of us must go back and pick up a set of vocational skills sets and begin to aggressively horn them. A word of advice here; pick a skill that you love, and then go after it. Perfect it. invest in it. There is a host of knowledge sources out there to help you do that. An industrialized economy still needs all those trades.

Thinking is one thing, operationalizing thinking is another. Both have been on pause in Africa but must now be invoked, however the latter is even more critical when one decides to move into this zone. When China started out building her now capitalist economy in a communist political system, things did not move into perfection immediately. There was a lot of copy catting, a lot of wobbly beginnings, quality of products was ridiculed in the Western world, but the Chinese kept going at it. They increasingly became less dependent as a nation on the west and moved more to deploying their own Chinese solutions. Soon they got contracts to do things cheaper for the same western world. Now they took over. But it all begun with etiquette and discipline. We cannot continue being casual as Africans and think we can even walk a mile in those shoes. The challenges are real but not insurmountable. The expectations are that we shall fail, but that too is a good challenge.

Second, we must become nationalistic and patriotic. It begins by leaders setting a great example to follow. Nationalism is built when there is a spirit of confidence from the citizenry down stream in their leaders and a firm confidence that these leaders understand them and are walking the journey with them all the way. Things like corruption have no place in this world of such change (it’s only the corrupt keep thinking that everyone else is blind to their greed; it reminds me of the story about the proverbial gullible king that walked naked in public on account of wearing fine golden garb, until a young girl bold enough spoke out that he was naked). China had such zero tolerance to corruption that where people were tried and found wanting, the penalty was irreversible; death by firing squad! 

Now, I am not advocating that option per say, but all I am saying here is that we cannot be second guessing ourselves over monsters like corruption and think we shall make headway. It is kind like trying to breast feed a baby alligator and hope that one day it shall grow up into a loving and obedient child to you. This corruption thing for us is the elephant in the room that we must talk about, and deal conclusively with, before we think we shall make progress. Is it possible to totally remove corruption? I don't think so as human nature is corrupt so there will always be that one that wants to bet their life on it. But it is possible to ensure that the levels of it are so low to affect anything serious. It only takes honesty and resolve, and believe me, most people want to see the back of it.

Evidently Africa has all the resources she needs to survive without anyones help right now. We have people (strong and well educated), food, water and we have minerals and other natural resources. I remember reading the story of apartheid south Africa and how it was locked down with sanctions. They had participated in the second world war supporting Britain in some of its endeavors. One of their contributions was providing air force pilots and technicians that supported and flew sorties rather successfully. When the lock down happened, south Africa found herself with a fleet of Aircraft whose parts they could not replace or maintain, as the suppliers could not sell them the parts. Rather than cave in they decided to make those parts themselves! Aircraft parts! this is how the south African aircraft industry was born. Right now, in the military space they have one of the most agile attack Helicopter gunships, the Denel Rooivalk. But, how many of you know that to produce reliable aircraft parts you must stimulate a number of other sectors! So, at times adversity requires adverse response for one to ride the wave to success; it is said that necessity is the mother of all invention. Africa for sure must ride her wave now.

When Lee Kwan Yew took led the Peoples Action Party in Singapore into governance of their nation in 1959, the only natural resource they had was People!!! They had no minerals to talk about or any serious national business to depend on. They only had human capital, a lousy one at that from a stock that was not well skilled, lacked trained and poorly resourced. The major mantra the Lee team came on with was "Zero Corruption" and one must read Lee's autobiography to understand how far they stretched this. The fact that everything rises and falls on leadership is embodied in this story. Lee held his own team of cabinet to that same high standard of integrity without relenting. No one was the Holy grail, so if you breached the lines, you got hit, no matter who you were. 

The second thing they pushed was national skilling and training. He shows clearly how they deliberately invested in getting Singaporeans trained by their government in the very best of schools worldwide, but also how they insisted that any investors trained the local stock to manage their factories or facilities at the investor’s standard. Third initiative was insistence on quality; they insisted on having the very best win. Meritocracy ruled in selecting who to take on for key roles and who to invest in for training. The fourth tenet for them was growing a disciplined people. Lee took a personal interest on this one and ensured that the culture of Singaporeans was changed towards one of discipline, even at a personal level. It is no wonder that Singapore today is looked at as if they have something special that others cannot access. And by the way, transformation of Singapore did not take an entire lifetime, but in Lee's own lifetime he got to see the fruits of his labours. So, Africa with all that we have working for us, we can do this.

What is clear is that it is time for Africans to get serious about thinking solutions. This will require us to drop certain practices that have kept us backward. We must re-invent our schools for the long term to produce thinkers and doers. In the interim we need leaders to drop the populist tendencies that have been so rife and the preferred stance for most African politicians and begin to provide some real leadership. 

I often hear people talk about the good old days when the colonial masters were here. The Uganda Shilling had lots of value. My father tells stories of how my grand uncle in his advanced age could afford a new car from his sales of produce. How did the colonial masters achieve this kind of economy? What most people never tell you is that they enforced discipline in the communities and that discipline produced growth and development. Of course, they used some methods which may not be recommended for now, but most people never complained about it because they could see the value add of this discipline. Plagues are not new to Uganda; even in the colonial times there was a few of them. the difference is that we had a more disciplined stock of people living at the time. For a public leader to generate this kind of dynamic, the populist hat must first go. Populism is the tail that wags the dog in our current leadership dispensation.

So, if you ask me if Africa can make it on her own, I say, YES WE CAN! Let's go do it.



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